Tick Season: Tick season can vary depending on where you live. Summer and fall are generally peak tick seasons in most places. Ticks like warmer climates and the Pacific Northwest is experiencing a surge this year with higher temperatures. Tick prevention is key, and should be maintained year-round, regardless of temperature to keep your dog safe whenever “tick season” starts. … Read More
The Danger of Spring
After so many months of winter, everyone loves Spring, including your pets! The rain that it brings is balanced by the warmer temperatures and sunny days. It’s exciting to lace up and grab the leash for your pup, but it’s important to be aware of some dangers lurking out there (inside too!). Every season has its pros and cons, and … Read More
Declawing Cats: Don’t!
Most cat owners understand that every cat has its own unique personality. Some of their personality traits are cute, like when a cat plays fetch, or when they greet you at the door when you come home. Other traits are not so cute… like when they never cover up in their litter box, or when the scratch your furniture to … Read More
Cats: Scratching Posts
Do cats need scratching posts? The short answer is “yes”. If you want to save your furniture from an untimely destruction, it’s important to pick the right scratching post(s)! You might like the aesthetic of a scratching post, but your cat might not. A little research can go a long way to getting a post that your cat will actually … Read More